Sunday, 13 November 2011

Diya Aur Baati Hum 11th November 2011 Written Update

Sandhya brings the halwa n bhabho ask her to serve every1 , bhabho calls chavi n mohit to have halwa but mohit dnt came, babasa came running for having it, bhabho taunts him that now he dnt having pain in leg, babasa replied that he came immidiately bcoz its the occassion of giving blessing to his DIL ,n when it cumes to children he will not see any pain, bhabho again taunts him n ask him to go to purchase raw material for sooraj's shop, babasa says that " zyada pyaar bacho ko bigad deta hai ".

Bhabho ignores him n ask sandhya to serve the halwa, as she was abt to serve it, bhabho sees oil in the plate , she immidiately take it n throws it on floor n scolds meena badly , sandhya too got scared but she start serving it n give it to every1.

Bhabho eats it n got emotional n says that she's immpressed by her n appreciate kanchan n her sankars to sandhya, sandhya got very happy , sooraj was also happy to see this...

Sooraj sees sandhya crying in temple, he came n saw the halw n think that she might have spolied it in tension , he takes it n puts it in a box n made a new tasty halwa n put it on same place.

Bhabho gifts sandhya the lota which was given to her by her father , babasa tease bhabho but when bhabho stares him he gets quite, bhabho serve halwa too sandhya n ask her to taste , sandhya taste it n she was happy to eat the tasty halwa .

Bhabha ask sooraj to appreciate sandhya but chavi n chaturi ask him to say a p [...]

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